Section 1
Elected Standing Committees:
a. Agenda Committee
The Agenda Committee is responsible for the preparation and distribution of the agenda for meetings of the House of Delegates. The committee is composed of the Chairperson, the Chairperson Elect, Secretary, Parliamentarian, and Past Chairperson of the House of Delegates, and two at-large members to be elected annually by and from the membership of the House of Delegates. The Chairperson of the House of Delegates serves as Chairperson of the Agenda Committee. The Agenda Committee will meet two weeks before each scheduled House of Delegates meeting to prepare the agenda.
b. Nominations Committee
The Nominations Committee will meet each spring to prepare a slate of nominees for each House of Delegates office to be filled. The Committee will prepare this slate according to the procedure outlined in Article X, Elections of the House of Delegates.
The Nominations Committee is composed of one representative from each group in the House of Delegates as defined in Article III. The elected representatives from each group will, in turn, elect their member for this committee.
Section 2
Appointed Standing Committees and Ad Hoc Committees:
The officers of the House of Delegates may, with the approval of the House of Delegates, appoint members and define the duties of such Standing and Ad Hoc Committees as may be necessary or useful in the conduct of its business.
Membership on appointed Standing and Ad Hoc Committees shall be for a one-year term or less.
The following shall be specified for each committee:
- Purpose
- Charge
- Objectives
- Number of members
- Chairperson
All committees have the authority to call and conduct such meetings as are necessary to obtain information necessary for the formulation of committee recommendations to the House of Delegates.
All committees are responsible to the House of Delegates and shall submit recommendations and reports to that body for action. All committee recommendations are to be given to the Chairperson of the Agenda Committee for inclusion in the agenda of the next House of Delegates meeting.
Section 3
Committee Meetings:
All committee meetings are open and the date, time, and location of the committee meetings must be published at least one week in advance of the meeting.
Minutes of committee meetings shall be given to each member of the committee and the Secretary of the House of Delegates. In addition, the minutes shall be made available for inspection by anyone upon request to the committee Chairperson.