Section 1
The Campus Assembly is composed of two deliberative bodies (see Appendix II):
a. The Academic Senate
b. The House of Delegates
Section 2
The Academic Senate will be composed of
a. All Faculty
b. Professors emeriti, adjunct professors and visiting professors, lecturers, and volunteer faculty members shall have voice, but no vote in the Academic Senate.
c. The Academic Senate Council, a representative body of the Academic Senate, will be composed of two faculty elected from each College and three faculty elected from faculty at large, elected officers of the Academic Senate, and the president of Associated Student Government.
Section 3
The House of Delegates will be composed of:
a. Officers: Chairperson, Chairperson-elect, Secretary, Parliamentarian, and Immediate Past Chairperson;
b. Faculty: two fromeach college;
c. Students: two from each college;
d. Two percent (2%) of the total number of employees in the following groups:
1) Executive, Administrative, and Managerial
2) Professional Non- Faculty
3) Skilled Crafts
4) Service and Maintenance
5) Technical and Paraprofessional
6) Clerical and Secretarial
Fifty percent (50%) of the delegates from the six preceding groups are to be elected annually between April and September for two-year terms.
e. Alternates: There will be eight alternates. One shall be selected f r o m each of the following groups:
1) Faculty
2) Students
3) Executive, Administrative and Managerial
4) Professional Non- Faculty
5) Skilled Crafts
6) Service and Maintenance
7) Technical and Paraprofessional
8) Clerical and Secretarial
(The candidate in each of these groups who received the next highest number of votes after the elected delegate shall be designated as an alternate for a one-year term for his or her respective group.)
Section 4
The Chancellor’s Advisory Committee shall consist of the Vice-Chancellors, Deans, and such others as Chancellor deems appropriate.