Section 1
Each year during April the Academic Senate will hold an election to fill the posts of those elective Academic Senate officers whose terms of office are about to expire. The Nominations committee will prepare a slate of at least two but no more than three members for each office to be filled. The prepared slate will be representative of each College and the campus-wide appointments. This slate of nominees will be listed on the agenda for the last Academic Senate meeting prior to the election; at this meeting of the Academic Senate, nominations may be made from the floor provided that approval of the person nominated is secured. Following this meeting, the Nominations Committee will prepare and mail ballots to the membership by April 15. Members shall return ballots by May 1 to be counted by the Nominations Committee. To be elected, a nominee must receive votes from a majority of those casting ballots. In the event no nominee receives a majority of the votes cast for an office, a runoff, with comparable time constraints, by mail ballot between the two nominees receiving the most votes will be immediately conducted by the Academic Senate.
Section 2
In the event of a vacancy in the office of Chairperson-Elect, Secretary, or Parliamentarian, a special election will be held to fill the office. The Nominations Committee prepares a slate of nominees for the vacant position allowing for write-in nominations. This slate is submitted to the Academic Senate officers for approval. Following approval of this slate, the Nominations Committee will prepare and mail ballots to the membership. Members shall return ballots within two weeks to be counted by the Nominations Committee. To be elected, a nominee must receive votes from a majority of those casting ballots. In the event no nominee receives a majority of the votes cast for an office, a runoff, with comparable time constraints, by mail votes will be immediately conducted by the Academic Senate.