Section 1
The UAMS Campus Assembly is responsible for the determination of guidelines and policies for campus affairs. (Rules and Regulations of the Board of Trustees of the University of Arkansas for the Governance of the University of Arkansas, 1975).
Section 2
In keeping with the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Trustees, the Academic Senate shall, under the Board of Trustees, be the legislative body responsible for developing educational policies and programs on the UAMS campus. Among other matters, this responsibility includes such areas as:
- Admission requirements
- Curriculum and courses
- Degrees and requirements for degrees
- Calendar and schedules
- Academic honors and honorary degrees
- Student academic affairs
- Interpretation of its own legislation
The Academic Senate is not the primary body for the formulation of specific professional programs within the colleges of the UAMS Campus. The individual colleges, as dictated by their various accrediting agencies, retain the rights and responsibilities for formulation of curricula, new programs and admission requirements.
The Academic Senate may formulate specific recommendations relating to intercollege and intercampus programs. The Academic Senate does have the responsibility to guarantee, through review, deliberation and legislative action, the purposes of the Assembly as stated in Article I of this document.
In addition, the Academic Senate shall have the authority to make recommendations to the Chancellor on any matter of general faculty or campus-wide concern, including such matters as research facilitation, appointment, promotion, tenure, dismissal and non-reappointment.
The Academic Senate council shall exercise general legislative powers and conduct the general business of the Academic Senate. The Academic Senate Council shall submit a yearly written report of activities to the Academic Senate to be placed on reserve in the library.
Section 3
The House of Delegates shall have the authority to make recommendations to the Chancellor on any matter of general campus-wide concern. This responsibility includes such areas as:
- Safety, traffic and security
- Fringe benefits and health services
- Salaries, work schedules and working conditions
- Job evaluation, grievances and appeals
- Other non-academic affairs
Each group that sends elected representatives to the House of Delegates will have the prerogative of meeting by themselves and sending a statement of their interests through the House of Delegates to the Chancellor. In its passage through the House of Delegates, this elected body could forward the statement “with approval,” “without action” or “without approval for the following reason. . .” The House of Delegates can also draft its own proposal regarding the same subject matter. In all instances, however, the proposal from the originating group will be forwarded to the Chancellor.
Section 4
All legislative actions of the Academic Senate Council or Academic Senate shall be sent to the Chancellor. The Chancellor will respond in writing to such actions within two weeks following receipt of a written record of the legislative action. The Chancellor’s response approving or disapproving the legislative action shall be returned to the Academic Senate Council or Academic Senate. If, after consideration of the points of disapproval, the Academic Senate Council or Academic Senate and Chancellor or unable to reconcile their differences, the Academic Senate Council or Academic Senate may vote to appeal for resolution of these differences. By a three fifths vote of those present and voting, provided that thirty (30) percent of the membership is present, the Academic Senate Council or Academic Senate may appeal those differences requiring resolution to the appropriate system-wide University authority and the President; such appeals shall be presented by the Chancellor (or the Chancellor’s designee) and a representative elected by the Academic Senate Council or Academic Senate.
Section 5
All recommendations regarding matters of general faculty or “campus-wide” concern shall be sent by either the Academic Senate Council or the Campus House of Delegates to the Chancellor. The Chancellor shall respond in writing to the originating body within two weeks after receiving a written record of the recommendations.