Section 1
Officers of the Academic Senate are the Chairperson, the Chairperson-Elect, the Immediate Past-Chairperson (all of whom must be faculty), the Secretary and the Parliamentarian. The Chairperson-Elect is elected annually by the Academic Senate. The Secretary and the Parliamentarian are elected by the Academic Senate for staggered two-year terms. (See Academic Senate elections).
Section 2
Duties of the Chairperson are to preside at meetings of the Academic Senate, Academic Senate Council, and its Agenda Committee.
Section 3
The Chairperson-Elect is the presiding officer at Academic Senate, Academic Senate Council, and Agenda Committee meetings in the absence of the Chairperson. The Chairperson-Elect serves as a member of the Agenda Committee and is responsible for the collection of agenda items and the duplication and distribution of the agenda and the minutes for meetings of the Academic Senate, Academic Senate Council, and Agenda Committee.
Section 4
The Secretary is responsible for taking the minutes of the meetings and submitting the minutes to the Chairperson-Elect for duplication and distribution. The Secretary will publish annually a list of all Academic Senate officers and a list of the membership of all Academic Senate Committees for distribution by the Chairperson-Elect.
Unless otherwise limited herein, the Secretary is responsible for maintaining a copy of the minutes of the Academic Senate and committees thereof, as well as a list of committee membership on reserve in the library. The Secretary is also responsible for providing copies of the minutes of all Academic Senate meetings to the Chancellor’s Office. The Secretary will also maintain in the library and Chancellor’s office, minutes of all system-wide committees and councils.
Section 5
The Parliamentarian will advise the Chairperson on questions of procedure in transacting the business of the Academic Senate.
Section 6
Persons newly elected or appointed as officers of the Academic Senate assume their offices immediately after the election meeting (see Academic Senate elections) except that an outgoing Chairperson-elect or Secretary remains responsible for his or her duties in connection with the minutes of that election meeting.
Section 7
Members of the Academic Senate Council are the elected officers of the Academic Senate, the elected president of the Associated Student Government, two faculty elected by and from each college, and one faculty elected from the campus-wide appointments. The officers from the Academic Senate will serve their terms as previously specified in Section 1. The president of the Associated Student Government will serve a one-year term. The elected faculty representatives will serve two-year terms.
Section 8
In the event of a vacancy in the office of Chairperson-Elect, Secretary, or Parliamentarian, a special election will be held to fill the office (See Article IX, Section2).